Archives for March 2012

On Happiness: Wacky Fun

ladylaughterI spent too much of my life being serious, planning everything carefully, dotting my “i’s”  and crossing my “t’s.”

In recent years I’ve decided to have more fun, to laugh more and encourage you to do the same.

One thing guaranteed to make you happier is laughter. Scientists have verified that laughter boosts immunity, lowers stress hormones, and relaxes our muscles, all of which have mental health and social benefits.

Beyond books, movies and comedians, there are many ways to bring laughter into your life, such as laughter clubs and laughter yoga.

Easier than all of those, however, is just finding things that make you laugh, wacky though it may be to others.

I found such as thing when I was reading a serious article by Editor of Publishing Executive, Noelle Skodzinski , about publishing and print. In it she mentions that she’ll read any format, print or digital, even  Word of the Day toilet paper, as long as it’s compelling.

What? Is there really such a toilet paper?

It was just enough of a challenge to send me off searching for this product that would be sure to be a conversation starter (or stopper) and certainly a unique item to add to my bathroom.

Since I love redecorating my main bathroom every quarter, this was a perfect quest for me.  Without a moment’s hesitation, I abandoned my serious to-do list,  mounted my steady steed, Google, and went off on a search.

WARNING: Before you wade into these toilet paper sites, please note that some of their themes may offend you although many will amuse you.

The first site I discovered,, has a wonderful selection of themed toilet paper, but I didn’t see Word of the Day. They did have Word Play (not to be confused with Words with Friends,) Sudoku, and a respectable monogrammed style that you can special order.

In my continued search for the Word of the Day roll, I found more websites with printed, customized and themed toilet paper.

I had a lot of  fun, but alas, I haven’t found the Word of the Day roll yet.

I’m counting on you to let me know when you find it, won’t you?


On Happiness: Pancakes

flippingpancakesJeff Goins is an author, blogger and speaker. When he and his wife were expecting their first baby  he decided to make pancakes for her one morning, after she turned down a number of other breakfast options. (No, that’s not Jeff in the image)

Jeff has tapped into a key component of happiness: finding joy in the everyday events that make up our lives. By chronicling this event and pausing to reflect on it, he is savoring one episode out of many to come that will take on sweeter and sweeter signficance as the years go by.

Too often we rush through daily activities, taking them for granted as if they were all the same. They are not really. Each time we arise, get dressed, cook breakfast and go to work, we are having a new experience. Sure, each resembles previous ones, but each one is distinct. The more we can pause to enjoy these moments, the more we fill up our happiness reservoir.

Read Jeff’s blog post to get the full story as he describes the steps he went through to turn out to finally create the pleasing version of his stack. He ends by wondering if he and his wife will ever have mornings like this again.

Here’s how I commented on Jeff’s blog.

Hi Jeff,

As a mom of 4 adults and 3 grandkids (who are adults too,) I want you to know that your pancake episode is all too common.

That first batch of pancakes is always the sacrificial batch because for whatever reason getting the grill, skillet or whatever you use to just the right temperature is an endeavor. No amount of experience helps you here. I doubt if restaurants that specialize in pancakes even get this right.

Getting the spatula first is the farthest from our minds since we are focused on getting the consistency of the batter just right. (We all do it the same way you did.)

I commend you for keeping the pancakes warm in the microwave. Not every man husband cook  thinks of that.

Enjoy these mornings. You won’t have any more mornings exactly like these, but once you add kids to the mix, getting the pancakes right will be the least of your concerns. As soon as they are able to hold a spatula safely, start teaching them to make the pancakes, if for no reason than the entertainment value. Your life will move into color and 3-D.
What everyday event from your past is precious to you now?


Could you use inspiration to create happiness everyday? Check out my Everyday Happiness cards at


You are Not Fine!

Mel Robbins, author, speaker, criminal lawyer, wife and mom, amazing career and relationship expert, wrote “Stop Saying You’re Fine” to alert us to how to get what we want. It begins by abandoning that word “FINE.” When we say “fine” we are saying we’ve settled for not getting what we want. If we had what we wanted in our lives we would be “fantastic” or “very frustrated” at not having it. When Mel spoke at TEDxSF recently she pointed out the whimpy word “FINE” is our problem. With scientists calculating the odds of any one of us being born as one in 400 trillion, each of us is here for reason. If we are not living a fantastic life it’s because we’ve settled for fine. Watch her talk on the video below and give me your take on it. Better yet, do what she suggests at the end, then tell us about it in the comments below. 5-4-3-2-1. Do it now!

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month–Early Detection Can Save Your Life