Color Your Life Happy
Create Your Unique Path and Claim the Joy You Deserve
You will be inspired by personal stories of how Brown worked through difficult times and used creativity, fun, and determination to reach her goals. Far from being a dark story, she shares how she and her husband harmonized raising four children with their careers. She will discourage you from trying to be perfect and urge you to let go of the guilt and toxic people who may be blocking you from reaching your goals. Brown offers loads of tips, tools, and resources for working through life’s challenges to help you find the confidence to create your unique path and claim the joy you deserve.
- Chapter 1—Opening Your Mind to Happiness
There are many ways to look at and approach becoming happier. Examine the problems with happiness. Discover the common traits shared by happy people. - Chapter 2—Preparing Your Mind for Happiness
Becoming happier is going to bring positive changes to your life. It may also bring negative reactions from those around you. Discover the role discontent plays in bringing about change. Discover and question your beliefs. - Chapter 3—Embracing Happiness
What are the differences between optimism and pessimism? You must get comfortable with happiness before you can have it. - Chapter 4—Making Happiness a Way of Life
Discover the everyday things that will improve the quality of your life, deepen your joy and carry out your life purpose. Then bring happiness into your everyday presence. - Chapter 5—Taking Responsibility for Your Happiness
Set your goals, chop them into manageable pieces and view delays and setbacks as learning experiences. Gather the resources to help you experience success and always keep the key to your happiness in your own pocket. - Chapter 6–Simplifying Your Life for Happiness
Discover how enjoying simple pleasures, being kind to yourself and others can ensure happiness and enhance your life. - Chapter 7—Harmonizing Family and Work
Create harmony in your life and work by taking care of yourself first and then making family the center. - Chapter 8—Handling Change and Bouncing Back from Adversity
Discover how others have coped with change and recovered from inevitable adversity and then select the ideas that can work for you. - Chapter 9—Honoring Your Inner Leader
Uncover, honor and respect the qualities within you that make you a leader. - Chapter 10–Connecting the Dots
Evaluate the advice and ideas you’ve explored. Select and incorporate the ones that resonate with your values and goals.
People are talking about Color Your Life Happy and here’s what they’re saying.
Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite
Color Your Life Happy: Create Your Unique Path and Claim the Joy YouDeserve is a motivational self-help book written by Flora Morris Brown,Ph.D. The author, a Professor Emerita of Critical Thinking, is an author,speaker and publishing coach. She’s also the mother of four children, whoshe had and raised while she was working and going to school to pursueher academic degrees. Brown got her idea about writing this book whilelistening to televangelist Joel Osteen exhort his audience to claim theirjoy. It started her thinking about how we should proceed to make ourlives happy ones. She began writing a blog where she’d invite her readersto ask questions, and she’d share stories from her life, including how thechoices she made led to a happier life. As her blog grew, she began toresearch the growing trend of positive psychology and the sudden interestin happiness. It hadn’t always been a popular topic; happiness, and thechildren of parents raised during the Great Depression were pushed intocareers and life paths that were not necessarily conducive to that state.Brown’s book shows readers how to understand what happiness is, how toembrace it and how to make it their own. There are often lifestylechanges one has to consider in the quest for happiness. Some are simple,like getting organized or finding a new passion, but others are morechallenging as Brown discusses in her work. She includes an appendix withan extensive list of recommended readings and an index.This book had me thinking of the author as a friend, mentor and confidant
by the time I had finished her opening chapters. Brown is honest, outspoken
and extremely generous in sharing her life stories with her audience. As a
fellow baby boomer, I wryly smiled at her references to the rather grim parentingmethods of the 1950s, and I applauded her efforts to be one of thoseparents who did not continue the trend of harsh child-rearing, opting for amore joyful and humane approach. Her book is filled with ideas on how tostart adding happiness to your life, from tiny steps to whopping big life
changing ones, but they’re all sound and quite inspiring. You might wantto bear in mind that the author had her fourth child while working on herPh.D., giving her nearly super-human stature in my mind, but I thinkthat’s part of the magic in this book. You can color your life happy, andyou can do it relatively easily. First step is reading this engaging andbeautifully written book. Color Your Life Happy: Create Your Unique Pathand Claim the Joy You Deserve is most highly recommended.
“Flora Morris Brown has covered four problems with happiness that should be a guideline for each and every one of us. Her book, ‘Color Your Life Happy’ is not about how you can buy happiness, win happiness or be given happiness. Happiness is within all of us and Flora has given us the basic tools to create our own, through a positive attitude, gratitude and close relations. The rest is up to you.
A must read for helping turn your life around.”
Jim Edmundson, Author
BULLETS I’VE DODGED’ (and other fun I’ve had)
“In our society, Joy, one of the most basic emotions, seems both desirable and hard to attain. Flora Brown uniquely addresses how to uncover inner joy and enthusiastically provides creative tools to keep the reader craving more.”
Shannon S. Carlson, Author
How to Achieve Happiness and Inspire Integrity Within
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