Pay Attention to Your Intuition

This is a guest post by Gladys Anderson. See full resource box at bottom.

thinking by gutter on flickr

thinking by gutter on flickr

According to noted psychologist, Carl Jung, intuition is a perception via the unconscious. In other words, intuition is a feeling of “knowing” without having evidence or proof. For example, police officers often claim to immediately “know” when suspects possess a weapon or illicit drugs. Although, often unable to express why they reacted or what prompted them at the time of the event, they sometimes, in retrospect can chart their actions based upon what they felt had been clear and present danger signals.

I don’t know about you but whenever I have that strong feeling in my gut, it almost always means that the universe has something in store for me that I’m not yet aware of.

The strong feeling you have or your intuition may just be the beginning of your dream or a warning of danger. When you follow your intuition, and don’t try to figure out all the “whys”, and “what if’s”, you more than likely will end up in a better situation.

Some experts dismiss women’s intuition as being just a feeling with no scientific evidence. I’m sure you and many other women can refute this claim.

Have you ever had a strong feeling that you must take a particular action step…move in another direction or change course?

Of course you have. But did you pay attention or dismiss it?

There’s a lot to be said for rationalizing, analyzing and exploring before making decisions. However, it’s equally important to pay close attention to the little voice or intuition that prompts you to take action, delay or move forward.

I’ve often regretted those times when I didn’t pay attention to the obvious red flags, second guessed my decisions and looked for someone who I thought would validate what I was thinking and feeling.

What are some of the instances when you were paying attention to what your intuition was saying?

What did you hear?

Did you take the required action?

This week, pay extra close attention to when your intuition is guiding you. Listen very carefully for that quiet voice that is prompting, guiding and instructing you.

You can’t begin to imagine what possibilities await you when follow your intuition and take the necessary definitive actions that will protect, guide and support you.

Until next time…
Gladys Anderson, founder of Coach for YOUR Dreams, is a certified life coach, licensed marriage and family therapist, writer and speaker. Gladys combines years of experience, training and a genuine commitment to helping women balance the many demands on their time and energy, create limits that shift balance from overwhelm to energized, and live lives of courage, confidence and clarity. To get more information about Gladys and her program offerings, please visit