Want That Happiness for Here or to Go?


Waiting my turn in line at a popular coffee shop in San Diego, CA I listened as customers ordered breakfast:

“Breakfast quiche,” said one customer.

“I’ll have the ham and cheese croissant,” said the next customer.

Following each food order the clerk asked “Do you want that for here or to go?”

Over and over he asked the same question, “Do you want that for here or to go?”

That’s when it hit me.

We answer that question everyday when we make decisions about our lives.

Now or never?

Daily we make choices about pursuing  this or that goal or dream, or  delaying for some future time.

Unlike deciding to eat a croissant later,  however, pushing our goals into the future may result in running out of time and never accomplishing them.

In a  Reader’s Digest article years ago a woman shared how she and her husband longed to take a trip around the world. Not  wanting to go into debt to pay for the trip, they decided to save the money for their trip so they could travel worry-free.

Year after year, they socked away money in their dream vacation account. After ten years they agreed that they had saved  enough and eagerly made reservations to embark on their trip.

One week before they were to leave, the husband died of a massive heart attack.

As the wife grieved her loss, she deeply regretted that they had not made that trip earlier even if it meant taking years to pay it off.

She wrote the article to warn us to not delay our dreams.

How to get happiness for here

Have you delayed a dream, a goal, or a desire until the time, circumstances or money are right?

There’s nothing wrong with setting goals, making plans, and dreaming dreams.

Unfortunately, there is seldom a right time other than now.

The problem is not acting on our goals or dreams immediately, even if we only take small steps.

“Many people think that if they were only in some other place, or had some other job, they would be happy. Well, that is doubtful. So get as much happiness out of what you are doing as you can and don’t put off being happy until some future date.” — Dale Carnegie

If you  are ready to get your happiness here and now, here are three ways to do it.

1. Give yourself permission.

We are often our worst enemies since we stage a war with ourselves in our heads. If you find yourself hesitating to start toward a goal, you are afraid of success or failure.

You are definitely concerned about whether you deserve the wonderful things you imagine.

Maybe you are worried about what other people think or waiting for approval from others before you start.

We all want the best for those we love.  So learn to love yourself. Then give this amazing person called “you” permission to do, be, and embrace whatever makes you happy.

2. Find out what you really want.

This may sound simple on the surface, but discovering what we want requires research and exploration. We often judge what we want by the fun others seem to be having with it.

You may think, for example, that  you would enjoy living in a quaint cabin in the woods where you could spot a deer now and then, off the main road miles away from the nearest shopping center and city noise.

Explore this first by daydreaming the way you did as a child.

Sit quietly and imagine yourself in the place, situation or experience you think you want.

Then check with your feelings.

If you feel elated, energized and excited, you are on the right track.

If, on the other hand, if visualizing yourself having what you think you want makes you feel heavy, nervous and uneasy, your feelings are warning you that pursuing this goal doesn’t hold the happiness you seek.

In addition to visualizing, here’s another idea.

Before you pull up your city roots, give this tranquil life a test drive in the form of a vacation, a visit or a short stay. While this living style may be very appealing from the comfort of a movie theater seat, it may not be what you really would enjoy in its entirety once you’re there long term.

3. Gather the resources to help you reach your goals.

Once you decide what you really want, it’s time to line up the people, information and tasks that will help you achieve your goal. When I decided to write my book, Color Your Life Happy, here are a few steps that helped me reach my goal:

  • Read or heavily skimmed the major books, articles and blogs  in the happiness field
  • Bought a laptop
  • Attended a Positive Psychology conference to learn from researchers what findings they had discovered
  • Hired  a life coach
  • Hired a publishing coach
  • Changed my main workspace to my living picture window where I could get light.
  • Visited the library and bookstores sometimes to browse, sometimes to write in a different environment
  • Set up a writing schedule
  • Attended a publishing institute where I met other authors actively involved in the writing process
  • Joined Toastmasters to work on speaking skills
  • Joined an Internet marketing group to learn more about promoting my book
  • Made notes on my experiences and observations on vacations and trips away from home

In addition to taking these and many other actions, I also had to accept my flaws and shortcomings.

I accessed inner resources such as prayer, meditation, and exercise to help me

  • fight procrastination
  • bolster my confidence
  • resist distractions

Without condemning myself for not being perfect, I accepted my limitations and weaknesses and got help with overcoming them.

No one of these tasks got my book done by itself.  Each one played a part in moving from idea to successful completion.

It’s certainly up to you whether you want to have your dream life or happiness now or for another lifetime.

I urge you to try the steps I’ve shared if you want to choose happiness for here and now.

Have you ever caught yourself putting off going for a goal or delaying a dream?

Or perhaps you resisted the urge to do so, and went after a dream even though outside circumstances didn’t seem just right.

In any case, share in the comments what happened.


This post is based on one I wrote in Jan. 5, 2010.

Enjoy These Weekend Fun and Functional Finds


What’s more fun than scrounging around on the weekend and discovering some great finds.

Some folks go to garage sales.

I snooped around the Internet.

Here are few unique items I uncovered:





1. The hop!

If you travel a lot, you know that lost luggage can take the fun out
of a trip. A suitcase that  follows you around via Bluetooth, however, will be hard to lose. The hop is still in prototype, but if it solves this age-hold problem it’ll be worth the

2. Jet Blue Election Protection

If your candidate doesn’t win in the upcoming election, you may feel like leaving
the country. Jet Blue wants to make that happen for you. But you need
to vote with them first.Go here to learn about your free trip, if you need it
that is.

3. The Wikoda Sunflower

How about a garden mirror that tracks the sun?

This is a gadget I could put to use right away. I would love to have
a lush garden, but the location of my plants to sun is not always
conducive to keeping my garden green. Check out this device at
but be forewarned, you will need to have some negotiable
green to be able to afford it.


4. The Beam Toothbrush

This product is going to make my dentists ecstatic.
It’s a nonelectric toothbrush that features sensors in the handle
that transmit data wirelessly to smartphones with the Beam app installed.
The app collates data, creates an easy-to-understand chart and can provide
dentists with a detailed cleaning history. It’s safe for children and
adults and is affordable.


5. The Joey Bra

This product is way behind the times. Many grandmas figured out how to
transport keys and money in their  bras over 100 years ago.

But if you want the cutesy version where you can store your cell phone, ID
and more, then this may be just the piece of underwear for you. There must
be a lot of ladies who didn’t have my type of grandma because this bra sold
out during its first run.

6. Weed Dating

Just when you thought we didn’t need another dating service, here’s
weed dating. Single young farmers get to meet each other in speed dating
fashion while working side by side in the fields.


There you have it! Did you find any interesting gadgets or services this weekend? Tell us about it in the Comments.

Liked this list? Share it with your friends on all your favorite social media sites below.

What did you do the day you stopped waking up with a smile?

Is change scary for you? You are not alone. ← Click to tweet

What did you do when you stopped waking up with a smile? ←Click to tweet

On his GoodLife Project, Jonathan Fields shares the story of a lawyer who left a 22-year successful practice when she no longer woke up with a smile.

Listen to her story and then share in the comments how you had the courage (or wish you did) to make a change in your life when you realized it was time.

How to Get Unstuck–Free on Kindle 9/7/12 and 9/8/12

When Walt Disney proposed the idea of Disneyland to bankers, he was already a successful graphic artist and movie maker, and yet he was turned away by bankers over 300 times before he finally found one willing to take a chance.

After all, who could believe that such a preposterous idea would be work, much less be profitable? But Walt, familiar with rejection and failure, was undaunted.

How about you?

Do you get discouraged when you are rejected?

Are there times when you feel stuck on a project or stalled when trying to get started?

If so, you’re normal. No amount of success and achievement will protect you from having moments and sometimes spells of uncertainty and doubt.

It’s essential, therefore, to be prepared for how you will deal with the inevitable.

Self-confidence and high self-esteem help us go after our dreams and reach our goals. Unfortunately, things we experience in life can weaken our self-confidence, cause us to feel stuck and defeated and even halt our move toward our goals.

In this book you will learn ways to manage your fears and self-improvement steps to regaining self-confidence, getting unstuck and feeling motivated to resume the activities that will bring you success.

Enjoy the e-book on your Kindle or a free Kindle app so you can read it on your smartphone, computer or iPad. Grab it for free on Friday, Sept. 7th and Saturday, Sept. 8th.

How Will You Celebrate ‘Color Your Life Happy Day’ on August 9th?

My mom Mildred Morris was totally surprised when we picked her up in a limo headed to a Mother’s Day brunch one year.

Many of us begin the year making resolutions, but within a few weeks we have forgotten our promises.

If you stuck to your resolutions, it’s probably because you

  • kept your goals small and achievable
  •  asked friends to help you stay on track by holding you accountable
  • changed your environment to support your new behavior.

Regardless of how you fared in this annual practice, here’s an opportunity to start anew, but with just one resolution.

On August 9th join me in celebrating “Color Your Life Happy Day”, a day to participate in something you enjoy, some activity that will make you happy and others too. Then make a decision to make it a habit to continue finding joy, pleasure, a way to help others for the rest of the year.

Happiness is not a destination, but the things we do along the way as we live our lives. At the end of their lives, many wish they had slowed down, worked less and spent more time enjoying family, friends and fun activities. Don’t let this be you.

Regrets are a waste. Do the things that bring you joy and happiness everyday.

This special celebration was inspired by the memory of my mother, Mildred S. Morris, who would have turned 104 years old this year on August 9, 2014 (she passed at age 92 in 2002.) She spent her life making people happy with her music. She played piano and organ from childhood through her mid 80’s for many churches, organizations and events. Everyone who ever heard her play was touched by her lively and fervent style.

I invite you to join me in celebrating Color Your Life Happy Day on August 9th. Then between August 10th-15th send me a photo or video of how you celebrated to my email at [email protected]

You may choose to enjoy a simple pleasure such as taking time off to read a neglected book. You may join the courageous who use this day to get control of the clutter that has been making them very unhappy.

So get busy thinking of how you will celebrate “Color Your Life Happy Day.” Then on August 9th take a picture showing how you celebrated. Remember, it doesn’t have to be grand or spectacular by anyone else’s standards. It just has to be something that makes you happy. Email it to me at [email protected] with your name, activity, and city/state/country. I will post entries on my blog, Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/coloryourlifehappy and my Pinterest page.

I’m looking forward to the wonderful array of celebrations.

In the meantime, motivate yourself daily with our Everyday Happiness motivational cards at