4 Ways to Thrive as an Adult if You Survived Your Upbringing

Courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net/David Castillo Dominici

Courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net/David Castillo Dominici

“The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.” Anonymous

We spend more time planning our dinner than we do planning our lives.

That’s a fact.

Many of us live as if we’re floating on a raft being tossed about by the
currents of other people’s opinions and agendas.

But it’s not entirely our fault.

Many of us spent our childhoods being told what to do, being discouraged
from expressing opinions, and even being told by the adults in our lives that our feelings and desires weren’t real.

As a matter of fact, when I was a kid you never questioned an adult even if
they were lying through their teeth.

I remember my mother angrily asking me when I called her on something,
“Are you calling me a lie?”

It was an awkward position to be in since I was taught to tell the
truth, except when it applied to my mother or other authority.

To answer “no” would mean to lose a bit of my authenticity, but it
would save my hide.

To say “yes” would mean the dreaded spanking, now considered child abuse
but then was considered good parenting.

It’s no surprise to me that many clergy and other authority figures got
away with unspeakable crimes against children.

What protection is there for children when they are not believed or are too
afraid to point the finger at someone who is placed on a pedestal and
considered above reproach.

When we somehow survive childhood and move past that murky area called
adolescence, we arrive in adulthood suddenly expected to think for
ourselves and decide what we’re doing with our lives.

How can we thrive as adults  if we weren’t encouraged as kids to think for ourselves?

Treat it the way you get up to speed on a job for which you have no

1. Learn from the people who are where you want to be.

Locate and seek out people who are in the career you want or are living the
lifestyle you want.

Talk to them, get to know them, ask questions, hang out with them in person or build relationships through social media.

Successful, confident people are willing to share with you, maybe even
mentor you.

But don’t just follow successful people blindly. Choose your way based on your values and goals.

2. Get the skills necessary to get where you want to go.

Discover your own interests. What do you enjoy doing? What activities do you
enjoy? What are your strengths and weaknesses? And what about your values:
what matters most to you?

“Find something you love to do and you’ll never have to work a day in
your life.”  Harvey McKay

And then when you find what you love to do, add the skills and practice
that will move you to expert status.

3. Learn to love yourself just as you are now.

After you make a self-assessment and find what you want to do, you may be
hit with bouts of doubt. It happens to all of us, and may cause you to
question whether you’re too young, too old, too tall, too short, or some
other “too.”

Replace those negative thoughts with positive affirmations pointing you to
the goals you are now after. If positive affirmations are not to your
liking, see how others pulled themselves from despair or depression to
learn to love themselves. In his book, “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It”
Kamil Ravikant, tells how he got his life back when he changed his
relationship to himself.

You may also experience fear, but remember that F-E-A-R is False Evidence
Appearing Real.

If you feel the need to get help with building your self-esteem or coming
to terms with the past, get the loving and professional help you deserve.

4. Decide where you want to go and take the first step.

The great thing about deciding where you want to go is that you don’t have
to know the full route, just the destination.

When you have passion, determination and skills, all you need to do is take
the first step. The next series of steps will appear as you go forward.

And don’t make the mistake of playing small, or only going after what you
think is within your reach.

There is no benefit in going after less than what you want or deserve.

Nature loves motion, the Universe loves bold action,and humans love to step aside for the person who knows where she is going.

That could be you.

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Want to Achieve Your Goals? Keep Them to Yourself

Conventional wisdom says that we are pushed to achieve our goals by announcing them to the world.

Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby, disagrees. In the video above, he points out research that shows that telling someone our goals actually can work against our ever achieving them.

How is this so?

Once we tell our goal and it’s acknowledged by others, the mind is tricked into feeling that the goal is already done. This increases the likelihood that we won’t do the work necessary to reach the goal.

I agree with Derek to some extent. It has to do with who you tell. When we share our goals with someone who will hold us accountable, telling our goals is critical. Let’s say, in the case of hiring a coach.

A good coach is your partner in reaching your goal, and in fact, holds you accountable, may structure steps for you to take, and will kick your butt as necessary to ensure that you make regular progress toward it.

Telling your overweight girlfriend about your weight loss plans, on the other hand, may not work as well. Unless she joins you in going after the same goal for herself, she may consciously or unwittingly sabotage your efforts and support you in falling back on excuses. After all, when it’s not a goal she values there’s the danger that deep down she can’t support you either.

After watching Derek’s video, share what you think on this. What has been your experience in sharing your goal v.s. keeping it to yourself until it was completed? Leave your comments.

Does Intention-Manifestation Work? The Answer is in the Question

manifestedchair--resizedToday I met with my new fitness coach, Cyndi, and set up an eating plan to detox for 3 weeks that will also include an exercise regimen.

This plan is about much more than my weight, because when you declutter your body, your office or your home, it affects all areas of your life.

Cyndi explained that when I stop putting artificial stimulants in my body, such as caffeine, my natural stimulants will kick in and do what they are there to do: make me feel good and focus better which will improve my behavior which will lead to better handling of challenges and achieving my goals.

She then told me to watch for things that show up in my life now that I’ve turned my attention to decluttering. Some of those things will be things I need to let pass out of my life.

She further explained that I will now focus better and operate at a higher vibration.

When I left her office I stopped by Trader Joe’s to pick up some organic foods and other items on the list of foods and beverages I now will add to my life.

Next I stopped by Staples on to buy a new office chair. The one I have is falling apart, and has been annoying me for months.

Besides, I had Staples rewards coupons totalling $14 and wanted to use them before they expire. The chair I liked was on sale for $99, and with assembly, $7.95 more.

Buying this chair was not in my budget, but I was fed up with the one I had. I began to question whether I should buy this chair or not since I hadn’t made a disposable $99 + 7.95 in my business this week.

One of my New Year’s resolutions was not to spend money I don’t have.

I decided not to buy this chair for now.

In the past I would have bought it anyway with the expectation that I’d make the $, but this time I left the chair, decided to come home, put away the groceries and think about ways to earn the cost of the chair before buying it.

When I turned the corner to my house, I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Sitting in my neighbor’s driveway were not one, not two, but five office chairs with $10 signs on each one.

What’s the likelihood of that?

(Her husband had gotten them when he bought the contents of a storage unit.)

As soon as I pulled in my driveway I dashed next door and started trying out chairs, like Goldilocks.

The perfect one was blue, not the color I wanted, but it was the right height, firmness and had an adjustable back and seat.

And best of all, the price was right! I had $10 in my wallet.


I rolled my selection to my neighbor’s front door and rang the doorbell.

She laughed so hard as she told me the story of how something told her to put those chairs out there. She had just sold the first one before I came by.

As soon as I placed the $10 in my neighbor’s palm, I thought of a simple way to cover the chair to make it coordinate with the living room decor where my desk sits.

This is not the first time in my life that I have manifested something I wanted. I have a string of experiences that convince me of the power of the law of attraction and that intention leads to manifestation.

In this experience, even just the intention of detoxing and decluttering my body and mind increased my vibration to guide my actions to getting what I wanted.

There are some of you who don’t believe that this is proof of any connection between my thoughts and results. You may even say it was coincidental or luck.

The trickiest part of intention-manifestation is that when you don’t believe it works, it is working just perfectly for you by bringing you what you expect. You see these laws were not created by mankind and do not choose when to work or not to work. They just obey our thoughts by bringing us the equivalent.

That’s why for centuries, poets, sages and clear thinkers have all stressed the importance of our thoughts.

  • “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7
  • “What we think, we become.” Buddha
  • “A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks he becomes.”~Mahatma Ghandi
  • “Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples don’t count on harvesting Golden Delicious.” ~ Unknown
  • “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.”~ Napoleon Hill
  • “A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.”~James Allen

I say Wow!

Imagine what amazing things are in store for me when I actually get this program under way!

What experiences have you had with intention and manifestation?

Practical Success Tips: Five Erroneous Beliefs That Are Blocking You From Achieving Your Goals

p_043A key part of achieving your goals is planning. Maybe your goal requires some extensive planning, but there is a point at which planning becomes procrastination. If you examine why you are procrastinating, you may discover that you are afraid of the unknown. We all are. So don’t let that stop you.

Or you may be procrastinating because you don’t really want this goal anymore. And that’s a good thing to discover.

Now you can set a new goal, but don’t spend time in the planning stage for too long. There are five erroneous beliefs that may be blocking you from achieving your goals.

1. You need lots more knowledge.

Having knowledge and skills before starting a project are admirable, but you cannot wait until you know all there is to know about the subject before you begin. Much that we need to know is gained along the way as we work toward a goal.

2. You need lots more money.

There are successful entrepreneurs who can attest to the fact that they began toward their goals with very little money. Some raised startup money by taking on extra jobs, saving, reducing spending and partnering with like-minded colleagues.

Start with whatever money you have to begin stepping toward your goal. As you enjoy small successes you will also increase your capital and know-how.

3. You must wait for just the right circumstances

There are no perfect circumstances.

4. The timing must be perfect.

There is no perfect timing.

5. You must wait until you feel completely confident.

Delaying to get started toward a goal actually erodes your confidence. It’s working toward and achieving your goal that builds confidence, not the other way around.

If deep in your gut you want this goal so badly that you can taste it, procrastinate no longer. Jump in. Success and achievement await you.

Are you Stuck in Preparation Mode?

3649 Chicago Arlington Park Starting Gate 06-08 by chicamguy from flickr

3649 Chicago Arlington Park Starting Gate 06-08 by chicamguy from flickr

A popular inspirational speaker once commented to her audience that she recognized a number of them from previous seminars.

Although she was glad to have their support, she cautioned them not to get stuck in taking nonstop seminars, but to get busy putting into practice what they had learned.

Many students take classes and pursue degrees, always preparing to live life later.

Unlike school, in life the test comes first, then the lesson. Get busy living and learn as you go.

It’s like believing you need to read the manual to your new computer or digital camera thoroughly before you can start to use it.

Just the opposite is true.

You can only learn to use something by trying it out, making mistakes, and then finding solutions on your own. No manual can cover every contingency.

Young people subscribe to the theory that technology should be easy enough to understand without a manual. I think this is the basis of the term “user-friendly.”

By the time we finally understand that it’s okay to live without “reading the manual,” many of us have wasted our young years in a never-ending state of preparation.

We take classes and attend seminars, but we never really live.

Sadly, some of us make it to adulthood without having left the starting gate. As Wayne Dyer says, some people “die with their songs still inside them.”

Don’t let that be you.

Take classes, build your skills, read articles, books as well as instructional and inspirational information.

Then take action.

Put into practice what you learned.

Make adjustments.

Correct your course.

And by all means, get out of preparation mode, leave the starting gate and get on to living your life to its fullest.

That is the point after all.