“I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet.”
This Indian quote always pulls me back from taking my blessings for granted.
I made a promise to myself this year to start each day being thankful.
And so each morning when my feet hit the floor I say” Thank you God for this is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” It’s a slight variation on the scripture, but I don’t think that diminishes its power.
Starting my day in this way helps me keep uppermost in my mind the tremendous number of things around me that I could so easily take for granted.
When Justin Premick of Aweber, set up a social experiment asking his readers to post a photo holding up a sign about what we are thankful for in our businesses, I jumped at it.
We were to take a photo holding up a sign that says “I’m thankful for. . .” and list the things we were most grateful for in our businesses.
I listed health first because it is my physical and mental well-being that allow me the energy, flexibility and stamina to create and conduct my business. I don’t take my health for granted.
Then I listed family and friends next because they create the context from which I run my business.
And finally, I’m thankful for my clients who seek, value and willingly pay for receiving my products and services.
Take a look at the video in this post and reflect on what you’re thankful for as we enter this holiday season.
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